Total data: 16796

The night trilogy :night ; dawn ; day
Wiesel, Elie,; Wiesel, Marion.;New York : Hill and Wang , 2008

Who governs? :democracy and power in an American city
Dahl, Robert A.;New aven : Yale University Press , 1989

Government, ethics, and managers :penyelewengan aparat pemerintah / Sheldon S. Steinberg, David T. Austern
Steinberg, Sheldon S.; Austern, David T.;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 1999

The struggle againts slavery :a history in documents
Waldstreicher, David;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2001

Religion in American politics :a short history
Lambert, Frank;Princeton : Princeton University Press , 2008

The girl at the baggage claim :explaining the East-West culture gap
Jen, Gish;New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 2017.

After : how America confronted the September 12 era
Brill, Steven;New York : Simon & Schuster , 2003

America's best breakfasts :favorite local recipes from coast to coast
Schrage, Lee Brian; Sussman, Adeena; Sung, Evan;New York : Clarkson Potter , 2016