Total data: 16796

The upstarts: how Uber, Airbnb and the killer companies of the new Silicon Valley are changing the world
Stone, Brad;New York : Little, Brown, and Company , New York : Hachette

6 secrets to startup success: how to turn your entrepreneurial passion into a thriving business
Bradberry, John,;New York : : American Management Association, , 2011

The Concise Blackwell encyclopedia of management
Cooper, Cary L.; Argyris, Chris;Malden, MAbBlackwell Business : s.n. , 1998

Pedaling revolution: how cyclists are changing American cities
Mapes, Jeff.;Corvallis, OR : : Oregon State University Press, , 2009

The freelancer's bible: everything you need to know to have the career of your dreams on your terms
Horowitz, Sara; Poynter, Toni Sciarra.;New York : Workman Publishing , 2012

Ten American movie directors: the men behind the camera
Hill, Anne E.;Berkeley : Enslow Publishers , 2003