Total data: 16796

Bartlett's fammiliar quotations: a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their source in ancient and modern literature
Bartlett, John; Kaplan, Justin;Boston : Little, Brown, and Company , 2002

Linus Pauling: advancing science, advocating peace
Pasachoff, Naomi E.;Berkeley Heights, N.J. : : Enslow Publishers , 2004

Whatever happened to the metric system?: how America kept its feet
Marciano, John Bemelmans;New York : Bloomsbury , 2014

GMAT review the only study guide by the creators of the test
Graduate Management Admission Council;McLean, VA : McLean, VA : Graduate Management Admission Council, c2005. , 2005

Niels Bohr: physicist and humanitarian
Pasachoff, Naomi E.;Berkeley Heights, NJ : : Enslow Publishers , 0