Total data: 15415

The Presidents, first ladies, and vice presidents :white house biographies, 1789-2001
Diller, daniel C.; Robertson, Stephen L.;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 2001

Manifest destiny
Heidler, David S.; Heidler, Jeane T.;Westport, Connecticut : Greenwood Press , 2003

The Venture of Islam:iman dan sejarah dalam peradaban dunia (buku 1)
Hodson, Marshall G.S.; Penerjemah Kartanegara, Mulyadi;Jakarta : Paramadina , 2002

The lean entrepreneur:a sprawling overview of some of the biggest ideas in the start-up world
Cooper, Brant;Princeton, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons , 2013

The librarian's skillbook :51 essential career skills for information professionals
Hunt, Deborah; Grossman, David;United States : [Sn.] , 2013

Mark Twain
Twain, Mark.; Ward, Geoffrey C.; Duncan, Dayton.; Burns, Ken,; Banks, Russell,;New York : Distributed by Random House, , 2001

Bartlett's fammiliar quotations :a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their source in ancient and modern literature
Bartlett, John; Kaplan, Justin;Boston : Little, Brown, and Company , 2002