Total data: 15415

The Impact of Women In Public Office
Carroll, Susan J.;Blomington : Indiana University Press , 2001

Kebebasan dan kebudayaan: Essay tentang masyarakat bebas
Penerjemah Maris, Masri; Machan, Tibor R.;Jakarta : Kedutaan Besar AS, Freedom Institute dan Yayasan Obor Indonesia , 2006

Vital statistics on congress 2001-2002
Ornstein, Norman J.; Mann, Thomas E.; Malbin, Michael J.;Washington, D.C. : AEI Press , 2002

The lustre of our country :the American experience of religious freedom
Noonan Jr., John T.;Berkeley : University of California press , 1998

Civil society : the underpinnings of American democracy
O'Connell, Brian;Lebanon, NH : Tuft University, University Press of New England , 1999

The Parties respond :changes in American parties and campaigns
Maisel, L. Sandy;Cambridge, MA : Westview press , 2002

Pillar of fire :America in the king years 1963-65
Branch, Taylor;New York : Touchstone Books , 1998

YouTube: online video and participatory culture
Burgess, Jean; Green, Joshua;Malden, MA : : Polity, , 2009

A concise history of U.S. foreign policy
Kaufman, Joyce P.;Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield , 2017

College admission: from application to acceptance, step by step
Mamlet, Robin; VanDeVelde, Christine;New York : Three Rivers Press , 2011