Total data: 15415

Freedom in the world: the annual survey of political rights and civil liberties 2001-2002
Karatnycky, Adrian; Piano, Aili;New York : Freedom House , 2002

New party politics :from Jefferson and Hamilton to the information age
White, John Kenneth; Shea, Daniel M.;Belmont, CA : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning , 2004

Komunikasi bisnis dan profesional
Curtis, Dan B.; Floyd, James D.; Winsor, Jerry L.;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 1999

A matter of taste: how names, fashions, and culture change
Lieberson, Stanley;New Haven : Yale University Press , 2000

Communicating in business and professional settings
Hanna, Michael S.,; Wilson, Gerald L.,;New York : McGraw-Hill , 0

The unconquerable world: power, nonviolence, and the will of the people
Schell, Jonathan;New York : Metropolitan Books , 2003

Government is good :citizenship, participation, and power
Freeman, Joseph F.;Columbia : University of Missouri Press , 1992