Total data: 15415

Cracking the SAT: with practice tests on CD-ROM
Robinson, Adam; Katzman, John;New York : Random House , 2004

Cracking the SAT: with DVD
Robinson, Adam; Katzman, John; The staff of the Princeton Review;Princeton, New Jersey : Random House , 2007

The Oxford dictionary of quotations
Knowles, Elizabeth; Partington, Angela;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2001

Bad news :Where the Press goes wrong in the making of the President
Soghan, Robert;Chicago : Ivan R. Dee , 2001

What editors want :an author's guide to scientific journal publishing
Benson, Philippa; Silver, Susan C.;Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press , 2013

The Press effect :politicians, journalists, and the stories that shape the political world
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall; Waldman, Paul;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003

The world almanac and book of facts 2004
World Almanac Education Group, Inc.;New York : World Almanac Books , 2004

APA dictionary of psychology
VandenBos, Gary R.; American Psychological Association.;Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association, , 2006

How remarkable women lead: the breakthrough model for work and life
Barsh, Joanna; Cranston, Susie;Westport, Connecticut : Crown business , 2009

The sociology book
Weeks, Marcus; Hobbs, Mitchell; Yuill, Chris; Todd, Megan; Tomley, Sarah;New York : DK Publishing , 2015.