Total data: 517

The American spiritual culture :and the invention of jazz, football and the movies
Dean, William;New York : Continuum , 2002

The Civil war and reconstruction :a student companion
Barney, William L.;New York : Oxford University Press , 2001

Developing management skills :what great managers know and do
Baldwin, Timothy T.; Bommer, William.; Rubin, Robert S.;Boston : McGraw-Hill Irwin, , 2008

Di bawah bayangan FDR :dari Harry Truman sampai ke Ronald Reagen
Leuctenburg, William E.;Jakarta : Pustaka Sinar Harapan , 1994

The State atlas of political and cultural diversity
Lilley III, William; DeFranco, Laurence J.; Diefenderfer III, William M.;Washington, D.C. : Congressional Quarterly , 1997

Eyes widw open :looking for God in popular culture
Romanowski, William D.;Grand Rapids, Michigan : Brazos Press , 2001
The state atlas of political and cultural diversity
Lilley III, William; DeFranco, Laurence J.; Diefenderfer III, William M.;Washington, D.C. : Congressional Quarterly , 1997

Eyes on the prize : America's civil rights years, 1954-1965
Williams, Juan; Bond, Julian;New York : Penguin Books , 1987