Total data: 517

student's guide to landmark congressional laws on the first amendment
Willis, Clyde E.;Westport, Connectitut : Greenwood Press , 2002

Laporan investigasi untuk media cetak dan siaran
Gaines, William; Budi Prayitno;Jakarta : Institut Study Arus Informasi dan Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat di Jakarta , 2007

America's religions :from their origins to the twenty-first century / Peter W. Williams
Williams, Peter W.;Urbana : University of Illinois Press , 2002

Understanding corporate annual reports :a financial analysis project
Pasewark, William R.,;New York, NY : : McGraw-Hill Irwin, , 0

Encyclopedia of American cultural and intellectual history (volume II)
Williams, Peter W.; Cayton, Mark Kupiec;New York : Charles Scribner's Sons , 2001

Encyclopedia of American cultural and intellectual history (volume III)
Williams, Peter W.; Cayton, Mark Kupiec;New York : Charles Scribner's Sons , 2001

Encyclopedia of American cultural and intellectual history (volume I)
Williams, Peter W.; Cayton, Mark Kupiec;New York : Charles Scribner's Sons , 2001

Inside The White House
william b. bushong; joel d. treese;Westport, Connecticut : Greenwood Press , 2013