Total data: 12717

The Rough guide to USA
Cook, Samantha Cook; Dickey, JD; Edwards, Nick; Ward, Greg;Westport, Connecticut : Greenwood Press , 2009

Long day's journey : the steamboat and stagecoach era in the Northern West
Schwantes, Carlos Arnaldo;Seattle : University of washington Press , 1999

The Smithsonian's history of America in 101 object
Kurin, Richard;Westport, Connecticut : The Penguin Press , 2013

Did America have a Christian founding? :separating modern myth from historical truth
Hall, Mark David;Nashville,TN : Nelson Books , 2019

Garis besar pemerintahan Amerika Serikat
Targonski, Rosalie;Jakarta : Kantor Program Informasi Internasional Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat , 0

Garis besar kesusasteraan Amerika
Van Spanckeren, Kathryn; Sumantri AR.;Amerika Serikat : Lembaga Penerangan Amerika Serikat , s.a.