Total data: 12717

First women :the grace and power of America's modern first ladies
Brower, Kate Andersen; White, Karen;New York : Harper Resource , s.a.

USA's best trips :51 amazing road trips
Richmond, Simon; Zimmerman, Karla;Carlton, Victoria : Lonely Planet Publications , 2021

Handling teamwork and respect for others
Welty, Tara;Westport, Connecticut : Princeton University Press , 2009

Managing responsibilities
Miller, Marie; Therese;Westport, Connecticut : Princeton University Press , 2009

Being fair and honest
Koellhoffer, Tara Tomcyk;Westport, Connecticut : Princeton University Press , 2009

Ethics for the real world :creating a personal code to guide decisions in work and life
Howard, Ronald A.; Korver, Clinton D.;Boston, Mass. : : Harvard Business Press, , 2008

Amerika Serikat bangsa baru yang pertama :dalam perspektif sejarah dan komparatift
Lipset, Seymour Martin;Jakarta : Pustaka Sinar Harapan , 1994

The crisis of the old order 1919-1933 :the age of roosevelt
Schlesinger Jr., Arthur M.;Boston : A Mariner Book , 2003