Total data: 8164

Multicultural programs for tweens and teens
Alexander, Linda B.; Kwon, Nahyun.; Young Adult Library Services Association.;Chicago : : American Library Association, , 2010

Young Muslim America : faith, community, and belonging
Ali, Muna;New York : Oxford University Press , 2018

The challaenge of governance
Croddy, Marshall; Degelman, Charles; Hayes, Bill;Los Angeles : Constitutional Rights Foundation , 2001

American state and local politics :directories for the 21st century
Weber, Ronald E.; Brace, Paul;New York : Chatham House Publishers , 1999

Admission matters : what students and parents need to know about getting into college
Springer, Sally P.; Reider, Jon; Franck, Marion R.;San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 2009

The presentation secrets of Steve Jobs : how to be insanely great in front of any audience
Gallo, Carmine.; Jobs, Steve,;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2010

Islam and modernity : muslims in Europe and the United States
Malik, Iftikhar H.;London : Pluto Press , 2004

Introducing Islam : what muslims think and how they live
El Fadl, Khaled Abou; Inati, Shams;New Jersey : Mason Crest Publishers, , 2004

We Americans :celeberating a nation, its people, and its past
Allen, Thomas B.; Hyman, Charles O.; Crew, Spencer R.;Washington, D.C. : National Geographic , 1999