Total data: 8164

National Geographic guide to the National parks of the United States
National Geographic;Washington, D.C. : National Geographic , 2003

National Geographic guide to the National parks of the United States
National Geographic;Washington, D.C. : National Geographic , 2003

Debating same-sex marriage
Corvino, John; Gallagher, Maggie;New York : : Oxford University Press, , 2012

Little women
Alcott, Louisa May; Escott, John; Cottam, Martin;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2008

First ladies :from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama
Caroli, Betty Boyd.; Canadian Italian Historical Association.;New York, N.Y. : : Oxford University Press, , 2010
The promise : President Obama, year one
Obama, Barack.; Obama, Barack; Alter, Jonathan.;New York : Simon & Schuster , 2011

Think like Zuck:the five business secrets of Facebook's improbably brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Walter, Ekaterina;Westport, Connecticut : McGraw-Hill , 2013

Only yesterday : an informal history of the 1920's
Allen, Frederick Lewis;New York : John Wiley & Sons , 1997

Etika Jurnalisme :debat global
International Center of Journalists; Prayitno, Budi;Jakarta : Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat Jakarta dan Institut Studi Arus Informasi , 2006