Total data: 8164

Albert Einstein: genius of the twentieth century
Lassieur, Allison.; Einstein, Albert,;New York : : F. Watts, , 2005

New York à la cart: recipes & stories from the Big Apple's best food trucks
Wallace, Siobhan; Penfold, Alexandra;Philadelphia : Running Press, , 2013

Earth space :photographs from the archives of NASA
Nye, Bill; Nataraj, Nirmala;San Francisco : Chronicle Books, , 2015

Job searching with social media for dummies
Waldman, Joshua MBA;Hoboken, NJ : : John Wiley & Sons , 2013

The human genome project: what does decoding DNA mean for us?
Boon, Kevin Alexander;Westport, Connecticut : Enslow Publishers , 2002

A Mannual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations
Turabian, Kate L.; Grossman, John; Bennett, Alice;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1996

Manual of style and usage
Siegal, Allan M.; Connolly, William G.;New York : Three Rivers Press , 1999

Science research writing for non-native speakers of English
Glasman; Deal, Hilary;Hackensack, NJ : : Imperial College Press, , 2009