Total data: 8163

The Press effect :politicians, journalists, and the stories that shape the political world
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall; Waldman, Paul;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003

The world almanac and book of facts 2004
World Almanac Education Group, Inc.;New York : World Almanac Books , 2004

APA dictionary of psychology
VandenBos, Gary R.; American Psychological Association.;Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association, , 2006

Congressional quarterly: guide to current American government
A Division of Congressional Quarterly Inc.;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 2003

Communicating in business and professional settings
Hanna, Michael S.,; Wilson, Gerald L.,;New York : McGraw-Hill , 0

Religion in public life :a dilemma for democracy
Thiemann, Ronald F.;Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press , 1996