Teosofia : Indonesian journal of Islamic mysticism

No. Panggil 2X5.05 TEO -
Pengarang ;
Tempat Terbit Semarang
Penerbit IAIN Walisongo
Tahun Terbit 0
Subject Filsafat Islam; Tasawuf; Tarekat;
Klasifikasi 2X5.05
Abstrak/Catatan Volume1, Number 1, 2012(4); Volume1, Number 1, 2012 -sufi order in malaysia : A Historical Approach of Ahmadiyyah Idrisyyah Tariqah in Kelantan / Che Zarrina Sa'ari,et al -Lata'if theory in the tarekat qadiriyyah wa naqsyabandiyyah : with special reference to kyai muslih al-maraqi;s concept / aris widodo -asceticsm in islam and christianity : with reference to abu hamid al-ghazali and francis of assisi / A.kemal Riza -the integration of shari'a and sufism practices / alwan khoiri -suluk literaturwe as a political strategay of javanese kingdom / sri suhandjati Volume9, Number 1 DAN 2, 2020