The Muslim World : a journal devoted to the study of Islam and Christian - muslim relations (Terakreditasi)

No. Panggil 2X0.05 MUS -
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Tempat Terbit USA
Penerbit Hartford Seminary
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Subject Islam; Muslim;
Klasifikasi 2X0.05
Abstrak/Catatan Vol.95,No.2,April 2005; Vol.95,No.3,July 2005; Vol.95,No.4,October 2005; Vol.94,No.4,October 2004; Vol.95,No.1,January 2005; Vol.98,No.2/3,April/July 2008; VOL. 100, No. 1, Januari 2010 Vol 94.No.4, Oktober 2004 -Post-Revolutionary iran in perspective:Exploring trends and transformation:Mahmood Monshipouri -What recent history has taught iranians:Nikki R.Keddie -The iranian women's movement : A century long struggle:Ali Akbar Mahdi -A tale of two countries:state,society,and gender politics in iran and afghanistan:Valentine M.Moghadam -The search for human rights within an islamic:Shadi Mokhtari -Socioeconomic trends in iran:Successes and failures:Hamid Zangeneh -Suspended equilibrium in iran's political system:Mehran Kamrava and Houchang Hassan-Yari -The landmine situation in iran:the challenge of accession to the ban mine treaty:Khalil Dokhanchi -Iran's security Challenges:Nader Entessar -Sh'ism and iran's foreign policy:Farid Mirbaghari -U.S. Policy toward iran in post-war iraq:antagonism or engagement:Mahmood Monshipori 2008 -introduction:gazi erdem -diyanet's global vision:mehmet aydin -the structure,mission and social function of the presidency of religious affrais(PRA):ali bardakoglu -the ottoman fundation of the turkish republic's diyanet :ziya gokalp's diyanet ishlari nazataru:sayfettin ersahin -religious service in turkey:from the office of seyhulislam to the diyanet:gazi erdem -diyanet and politics:istar b.goyadin -the presidency of religious affrais and the priciple of secularism in turkey:ahmet hadi adanali -the status of the presidency of religious affrais in the turkish constitution and its execution:mehmet gormes -the presidency of religious affrais' relatinship with religious groups (sects/sufi orders)in turkey:sonmez kutlu -critical approaches to the PRA:necdet subasi -religious service of the PRA:izzet Er -The status and function of the PRA in the turkish republic:fikret karaman -the PRA of turkey:the emergence ,evolution and perception of its religious service outside of turkey:ali dere -the educational service of the PRA and its contribution to religious education in turkey:ulvi ata -the publishing activities of the PRA :yuksel salmam -from"the fetwa" to "religious questions":main characteristics of fetwas of the diyanet:samil ocal -the dialogue of two institutions:the vatican and the PRA:ali murat yel -turkey-religiosity and the PRA:ejder okumus -the social status of the PRA in turkey and its overall assessment:common public oponion :kemaleddin tas -the turkish diyanet foundation:omer turan -john N.paden ,muslim civic cultures and conflict resolution:the challenge of democratic federalism in nigeria:reviewed by akuintunde E. akinade -andrwe rippin ,muslims -their religious beliefs and the pratices(third edition):reviewed by mary lou tanner -ibrahim abu-rabi',islam in modern turkey:an itellectual biography of bediuzzaman said nursi:reviewed by jeremy walton -pnina werbner,pilgrims of love:an ethnography of a global sufi cult:reviewed by kenneth lizzio vol. 95 no 4.Oktober 2005 -Introduction: Young American Muslim I dentities: Karen Isaken Leonard -Muslim first,Arab second: A Strategic Politics of Race and Gender: Nadine Naber -Between Immigrant Islam and Black Liberation: Young Muslims Inhert Global Muslim and African American Legacies: Jamillah Karim -Why here, why now ? Young muslim women wearing Hijab: Syed Ali -Aisha and Her multiple identities: Excerpts from ethnographic Encountres: Lubna Nazir Chaudhry -Muslim marriages in america: Reflecting New Identities: Denise Al-Johar -The transnational Umma- Myth or Reality? Examples from the Western Diasporas: Garbi Schmidt -From baghdad to New York: Young Muslims on War and Terrorism: Nabeel Abraham -Ignatius Aphram I. Barsoum, tr. Matti Mossa: The Scattered Pearls: The History of Syriac Literature and Sciencies: Reviewed by Admer Gouryh -Pnina Werbner: Pilgrims of love: An Ethnography of a global sufi cult: Reviewed by Akaenneth Lizzio -Jackie Assayag: At the Confluence of two rivers- Muslims and Hindus In South India: Reviewed by Yoginer Sikand -Qomar-ul Huda: Striving for divine Union: Spiritual Exercises for subrawardi Sufis: Reviewed by Tahir Uluc vol.95.No.1 , January 2005 -Vying for power and influence in the Hijaz: Ottoman Rule, The last Emire of Abdulmuttalib and the British(1880-1882): S. Tufan Buzpinar -Civil Society, Islam and Democracy in Turkey: A study of Three Islamic Non-Governmental Organizations: Ayse Kadioglu -Syria, The Ba'th Regime and the Islamic Movement: Stepping on a New Path?: Eyal Zisser -Pre-Islamic Arab Converts to Christianity in Mecca and Medina : An Investigation into the Arbic Sources: Ghada Osman -The Intellectual Roots of islamic Radicalism in Indonesia:Ja'far Umar Tholib of Laskar Jihad (Jihad Fighters) And His Educational Background: Muhammad Sirozi -A meeting with Maulana Mawdudi: Mohammad Nejatullah Siddiqi -Iqbal's View of Omniscience and Human Freedom: Abdul Hafeez Fazli -Jacques Waardenburg, Muslims and Others: Relation in Context: Reviewed bu Willem A. Bijlefeld -Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi', Contemporary Arab Thought: Studies in Post-1967 Arab Intellectual History: Reviewed by Joseph L.Pace -Carolyne Moxley Rouse, Engaged Surrender: African American Women And Islam: Reviewed by Jamillah Karim -Vanessa Martin, Creating an Islamic State: Khomeini and the Making of a New Iran: Reviewed by Dale Bishop Vol 95, No.2 April 2005 -Introduction:Nabil Matar and Bindu Malieckal -Between muslim and Christian worlds:Moriscas and identity in early modern spain:Mry Elizabeth Perry -The Marry of the Sacromonte translated by Tina P.Christodouleas introduction by Nabil Matar -Of women-centered moroccan tales and their imagine communities:Hasna Lebbady -Rexolana:'The greatest empresse of the east:Galina Yermolenko -Communal regulations as a source for jewish women's lives in the ottoman empire:the case of hindiyya the nun,1720-1798:Nabil Matar -Lady sherly:The first persian in england?:Bernadette Andrea -Muslims,Matriliny,and A Midsummer Night's Dream:European Encounters with the mappilas of malabar,india:Bindu Malieckal VOL. 100, No. 1, Januari 2010 -Democratic foundementalism? the practice an discourse of the muslim brother movement in syria:Itzchak Weismann -Surat al-baqara: a structural analysis:Raymond K.Farrin -Religion and ethnicity in the construction of official ideology end republic an turkey:Omer Caha Metin Toprak and Nasuh Uslu -The revolts of nestorian christians against the ottoman empire and the repulic of turkey:Yonca Anzelioglu -the public expression of the traditional islam: the pesantren and civil society in post-Suharto Indonesia:Mun'im Sirry -Peace jurnalism and news coverage on the cyprus conflict:Metin Ersoy -The second coming of 'isa:an explorationof islamic premillennialism:Larry Poston -interview with desmond tutu, archbishop of cape town:Amina Chaudary -Ayatullah misbah yazdi: politics,knowledge,and the good life:Sussan Siavoshi -principles of traditionary jurisprudence reconsidered:Scott C.Lucas -Lebanon's revolutionary era: kamal junblat,the druze community and the lebanon state,1949-1977:Yusri Hazran