Al-Jami'ah : journal of Islamic studies (Terakreditasi)

No. Panggil 2X0.05 JAM -
Pengarang ;
Tempat Terbit Yogyakarta
Penerbit IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Tahun Terbit 0
Subject Islamic Studies;
Klasifikasi 2X0.05
Abstrak/Catatan Vol.39 No.1 January-June 2001; Vol.39, No.2, July- Desember 2001; Vol.41, No.1, 2003/1424; Vol.41, No.2, 2003/1424; Vol.38, No.2, 2000; Vol.40, No.1, 2002; Vol.42, No.1, 2004/1425; Vol.43, No.1, 2005/1426; Vol.43,No.2, 2005/1426; Vol.44, No.1, 2006/1427; Vol.40, No.2, Juli-Des 2002; Vol.44, No.2, 2006/1427; Vol.46, No.1, 2008; Vol.46, No.2, 2008; Vol.47, No.1, 2009; Vol.47, No.2, 2009; No.62/XII/1998, Vol. 49 No.2 2011; Vol. 49 No.1 2011; VOL.48, NO.2, 2010/1431 vol.50,NO.1,2012/1433 vol.50,NO.2,2012/1434 vol.51,NO.1,2013/1434 vol.50,NO.1,2012/1433 - Editorial: Religiousity, Spirituality, and Ideology - Islamism & Democracy: a Gender Analysis on PKS’s Application of Democratic Principles and Values/Lanny Octavia - Islam and the Changing Meaning of Spiritualitas and Spiritual on Contemporary Indonesia/Ahamd Muttaqin - Gender Construction in Dakwahtainment: a Case Study of “Hati ke Hati Bersama Mamah Dedeh”/Dicky Sofjan - The Historical Figure of Omar Al-Mukhtar and Islamic Martyrdom in Indonesia /Frank Dhont - Religious Symbolism and Democracy Encountered: a Case of Prostitution Bylaw of Bantul/Muhammad Latif Fauzi - Wahhabism, Identity and Secular Ritual: Graduation at an Indonesia High School/Inayah Rohmaniyah & Mark Woodward - Paving the Way for Interreligious Dialogue, Tolerance, and Harmony: Following Mukti Ali’s Path/Faisal Ismail - Tasawwur al-Dawlah al-Qawmiyyah fi Mithaq al-Madinah/Abd. Salam Arief vol.50,NO.2,2012/1434 - Editorial: From Public Domain to Islamic Philosophy - Radio Fatwa: Islamic Tanya-Jawab Programmes on Radio Dakwah/Sunarwoto - Islamic Schools and Social Justice in Indonesia: a Student Perspective/Raihani - Sundanese Sufi Literature and Local Islamic Identity: a Contribution of Haji Hasan Mustapa’s Dangding /Jajang A. Rohmana - The Paradox between Political Islam and Islamic Political Parties: the Case of West Sumatera Province/Adri Wanto - Piety, Politics, and Post-Islamism: Dikr Akbar in Indonesia/Noorhaidi Hasan - Catholics, Muslims, and Global Politics in Southeast Asia/Sumarto Al Qurtuby - From Shari’a ‘Ayniyya to Shari’a Hududiyya: Shahrour’s Interpretation on Qur’anic Legal Verses /Moh Khusen - Ibn ‘Arabi and the Transcendental Unity of Religions/Media Zainul Bahri - Mafhum al-Tasamuh ‘inda Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi/Zuhri vol.51,NO.1,2013/1434 - Edirtorial: Islam in Asia and Europe - Religious Networks in Madura: Pesantren, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Kiai as the Core of Santri Culture/Yanwar Pribadi - From Musaylima to theb Kharijite Najdiyya/Al Makin - Indonesia Muslims’ Discourse of Husband-Wife Relationship/Nina Nurmila - The Formation of PPME’s Religious Identity/Sujadi - The Politics of Retaliation: the backlash of Radical Islamists against Deradicalization Project in Indonesia/Masdar Hilmy - Fasting in Countries Where The Day is Very Long or Very Short: A Study of Muslim in the Netherlands/Ahmad Najib Burhani - Islamic Ethical Investment as Mechanism to Mitigate Agency Conflict: An Empirical Study in Indonesian Stock Exhange/Syafiq M. Hanafi - Athar Ta’arud Manhaj al-Fikr bayana Abu Hanifa wa’l-Shafi’i ‘an al-Istihsan Ansha’at al-Hadarat al-Islamiyyah/Miftahurrohim N. Sarkun No.62/XII/1998 - Editorial: Intellectual and Academic Freedom In Islam : Akh. Minhaji - Spiritual Hermeneutics(ta'wil):A Study Of Henry : Yusuf Rahman - Cultural Acculturation Of Javanese Islam :A Critical Of the Slametan Ritual : Masdar Hilmy - The Concept Of Muhaddathun in the Shi'i and Sunni Traditions: A Preliminary Comparative Study :Siti Syamsiyatun - Rethinking Economic Ethics in Islam : Muhammad Rashid Rida's Concept Of Riba : Asep Saepudin Jauhar - Filsafat Ishraqiyyah(Iluminatif) Suhrawardi al-Maqtul : Ahmad Hasan Ridwan - Al-Qawa'id Al-Fiqhiyyah dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam : Said Aqil Husin Al-Munawwar - Pandangan Al-Qur'an terhadap Bigetisme yahudi dan Kristen : Hamim Ilyas - Petuah Ali Haji : Tinjauan tentang Thamrah Al-Muhimmah :Syamsul Anwar - Al-Khitab Al-Di Ni Fi Al-Shi'r Al-Jahili : Muhammad Muqaddas - Al-Tadhkir Wa Al-Ta'Nith Fi Al-Lughan Al'Arabiyyah Wa Al-Indunisiyyah:Dirasah Muqabalah : Muhammad Pribadi vol 44,no 2: -:Widiyanto ; spirituality amidst the uproar of modernity:the ritual of dhikr and its meanings among members of naqshbandy sufi order in western eorupe -:Ahmad muttaqin and syamsul ma'arif; ethnicity-based religiousity:multi-facated islam in miami,USA,in the age of on terrorism -:M.solihin arianto; islamic knowledge clasification scheme in islamic cauntries'libraries -:ratno lukito; religious ARD:mediation in islamic family law tradition -:Ammar jasin; mafhum al-hadith al-gharib fi sunan al-daruqutny:dirasa istiqra'iyya naqdiyya -:Alwan khoiri ; al-afkar al-sufiyyah lil-kiyahy al-hajj ahmad rifa'y -:Ahmad fuad effendy; manhaj al-ta'tim al-luqha al-arabiyya li-ghair al-natiqin biha li-hadf khass:fahma al-qur'an al karim -:zubaedi; membangun fikih yang berorientasi sosial: dialedntika fikih dengan relitas empirik masyarakat -:susiknan azhaeri; karakteriktik hubungan muhamadiyah dan nu dalam menggunakan hisab dan rukyat -:sabiron syamsuddin; book review: beberapa tema reformasi dalam islam vol 47,no2,2009/1430 -: zulkifli; the education of indonesia shi'i leaders -:Muhamad adlin sila;tarekat kadisiyyah: an example of neo-tarekat in bandung,indonesia -:Hatim gazali adb.malik ; pesantren and the freedom of thinking: study of ma'had aly pesantren sukorejo situbodo,east java,indonesia -:Ahmad choirul rafiq; the methodology of al-maturidi's qur'anic exegesis:study of ta'wilat ahl al-sunnah -:Udjang tholib; the economic factors of the'abbasid decline during the buwayhid rule in the fourth/tenth century -:Munirul ihkwan; kitab al-muzhir of jalal al-din al-suyuti: A critical edition and translation of section twenty on islamic terms -:Zamzam afandi abdullah; al-madrasah al-i'tizaliyyah wa'l-ab'ad al-diniyyah wa'l-ijtima'iyyah al-siyasiyyah li-usuliha al-khamsah -:safwan arif dawd ahmad al-jarrab; ittijahat al- madhahib al-khamsah fi'l-ijhad fi'l- halat al-ammah ala daw' al-mustajaddat al-tibbiyah vol 42,no 1 .2004/1425: -:Fauzan saleh ; the puppet caliphs and the titural heads of state: the 'abbasid caliphate under the buyids'reign -:svetlana kirillina ; cultural and intellctual exchange between the ottoman egypt and the rest of the arab muslim world in the eighteenth-early nineteenth century -:Akh.muzzaki; islamic radicalism in southeast asia:with special referance to the allege terrorist organization,jama'ah islamiyah -:Mohamad abdun nasir; the veil at the crossroads:muhammad sa'id al-ashmawi and the discourse on the hijab in egypt -:Nazly hanum lubis; maslahah mursalah in the thought of muhammad 'abduh and rashid rida -:Susiknan azhari; hisab hakiki model muhammd wardan (sebuah penelusuran awal) -:Misri A.muhsin ; salik buta aliran tasawuf aceh abad XX -:Muhamad chirzin; khasais al-amthal fi al-quran wa aghraduha wa al-maudu'at allati alajatha -: ahmad fuad afandi; i'ada siyagha manhaj al-dirasah lishu'bati al -lughati al 'arabiyyati wa adabiha bi al-jami'at (muqtarihun li-manhaj al-dirasati al-qaimi 'ala al-kafa'ati tabqan li-mutatallibat al 'asr) -:Syafrudin arif M.M ; BOOK REVIEW: al-fikr al-usuli wa istihalal al-ta'sil vol 40, no 2, july-desember 2002 : -: akh minhaji; the wedhatama and its impact on islamic legal thought in indonesia -:Nurhai ; muslims 'participation in christmas celebrations: A critical study on the fatwa of the council of indonesian ulama -:Ro'fah mudzakir ; reconciling the differences;shah wali allah's concept of ijtihad and taqlid -:Zuly qodir ; wajah islam liberal di indonesia:sebuah penjajagan awal -:M.rafii yunus; pendekatan modern terhadap i'ja al-qur'an -:khoiruddin nasution ; kontribusi fazlur rahman dalam ushul fiqh kontemporer -:nuruddin ; taghayyur al-mustawa al-am li al-as'ar wa atharuhu 'ala al-huquq wa al-wajibat -:A.Abd.syakur ; intishar al-lughah al-arabiyyah wa mushkilatuhu fi indunisiya -:Susiknan azhari ; BOOK REVIEW: menggagas kalender islam internasional vol 39, no 2, july-desember 2001: -: A.qodri azizy ;juristic differences (ikhtilaf)in islamic law:its meaning early discussions,and reasons(A lesson for contemporary characteristics) -:Azyumardi azra; islamic perspective on the nation-state: political islam in post-soeharto indonesia -:Muhamad rifai abduh ; wilfred cantwell smith on religius faith and truth -:Syarif hidayatullah ; gender and religion:an islamic perspective -:Amri yahya ; islamic calligrapy in batik medium contemporary of the indonesia islamic fine art -:M.amin abdullah ; al -ta'wil al-ilmi:kearah perubahan paradigma penafsiran kitab suci -:Abdul munir mulkhan ; struktur sosial keberagamaan pemeluk islam di indonesia -:Suksinan azhari ; mohamad ilyas dan gagasanya tentang kalender islam internasional -:Muhyar fanani; sejarah perkembangan konsep qat'i-zanni; perdebatan ulama tentang anggapan kepastian dan ketidakpastian dalil syari'at -:Syamsul anwar ; al-masarif al-islamiyah wa al-qanun al-masrafiy fi indonesia -:Sukamto said ; uslub al-kinayah kazahirah uslubiyah hammah fi al-qur'an al-karim -:Akh.minhaji; BOOK REVIEW: studi kritis dalam hukum islam (menimbang karya david S.powers) vol 41 no 2,2003/1424: -:David A.splawn ; Isa and jesus:A comparison of the life of the prophet 'isa in the Qur'an and chris in the new testament -:Euis nurlaelawati; the debate on muslim family law reform in indonesia: the case of 'resprentation of heirs and obligatory be quest' -:Amirul hadi ; exploring the life of H{amzah fansuri a historical study -:afif muhamad ; radikalisme agama-agama abad 21 -:ainurrofiq dawam; Quo vadis iain sunan kalijaga(upaya membangun landasan awal) -:Ahmad baidowi ; hermenuitika al-qur'an asghar ali-engineer -:M.abdurahmman ; menelusuri para digma ulama dalam menentukan kualitas hadis -:Muhaiban ; daur al-lughoti al-a'rabiyah fi takwini mufradah al-lughoti al-indonesiati -:muhamad nur kholis setiawan BOOK REVIEW:"MENGUGAT" kearaban al-qur'an melalui Qira'ah syirac (syria-aramaik) vol 40, no 1,january-june 2002: -:roxanne D.marcotte ; socrates and suhrawardi:historical affinities? -kamarudin amin ; non-muslim(westren) scholars'approach to hadith an analytical study on the theory of"common link and single strand " -:Joni tamkin bin borhan; the framework and pratice of islamic insurance in malaysia -:al makin ;demythologizing the narrative of the Qur'an: muhammad"abduh's and bint al-shati's account of ad ,thamud,and pharaoh,Q.89:6-10 -:komaruddin hidayat ; ketika agama menyejarah -:mahmud arif ; pertautan epistemologi bayani dan pendidikan islam masa keemasan -:andy dermawan ; strategi dakwah islam dalam pendekatan rasional transental -:muslim nasution ; al-muqawwimat al-fikriyyah li al-ilmaniyyah -:amroh muhammad qosim ; al-miqyas al-islami wa al-ha al-amtsa lil qadaya al-ijtima'iyyah -:muqowim ; BOOK REVIEW : sistem belajar cepat dan efektif vol 38, no 2,2000: -:yusni saby ; A PROFILE OF THE 'ULAMA'IN ACEHNESE SOCIETY -:nico kaptein ; ACCEPTANCE ,APPROVAL AND AGGRESSION:SOME FATWAS CONCERING THE COLONIAL ADMINISTRATION IN THE DUTCH EAST INDIES -:maschasin ; UNDERSTANDING THE QUR'AN WITH LOGICAL ARGUMENTS DISCUSSION'ABD AL-JABBARS REASONING -:syafa'atun elmirzana ;FREEDOM OF RELIGION,PRULALISM AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE(islamic perspetive) -:andi nurbaety; KNOWLEGDE OF GOD: A GLANCE AT THE DEVELOMENT OF AL-GHAZALI'S CONCEPT IN HIS LATER WORKS -:sumedi ; IBN TAYMIYYAH :HIS PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGH ON CAUSALITY -:alim roswantoro ; LOGIKA TRANSEDENTAL KANT DAN IMPLIKASINYA BAGI KEMUNGKINAN PENGETAHUAN ISLAM -:haikal; SAYAP PEMBARU &TRADISIONALIS ISLAM (MITOS ATAU REALITAS) -:S.noor chozin sufri ; DAKWAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF HASAN AL-BANNA -:sa'ad abdul wahid ; TARJAMAT MA'ANI AL-QUR'AN AL-KARIM WA TATAWWURUHA -:azhar arsyad ; DIRASAT AL-ITTISAL AL-THAQAFI WA TANQIB'AN AL-QIYAM AL-ISLAMIYYAH BOOK REVIEW vol 39, no 1 january -june 2001: -:Akh.minhaji ; modern trends in islamic law: notes on J,N,D .andersoon's life and thought -:khoiruddin nasution ; the phenomenom of polygyny in conteporary malaysia: a case study of the darul arqam movement -:mohamad ar; the curiculum of islamic studies in traditional and modern dayahs in aceh :a comperative study -:fauzan saleh ; the great battle of bard as reflected in al-tabaris tarikh and tafsir -: Abd.karim hafid ; taqdim dan ta'khir dalam al-qur'an (pendekatan qawa'id al-lugah al-arabiyah) -:M.din syamsuddin ; antara yang berkuasa dan yang dikuasai: refleksi atas pemikiran dan praktek politik islam -: Suyatno prodjokoro ; dimensi sosial dan spiritual semaan al-qur'an "MANTAB" di yogyakarta -:zamzam afandi ; al-khitab al-hubbi fi at-turath al-arabiy al-falsafi wa al-kalami wa at-tasawwufi wa al-adabi -:surahman; istithmar al-amwar fi al fiqh al-islamiy book review vol 41 no 1 ,2003/1424: -:M. amin abdullah ; new horizons of islamic studies through socio-cultural hermeneutics -:Syafaruddin alwi ; gaining a competitive advetange by integrating islamic values within company behavior -:Al makin ; A defender of an "existence": mulla sadra on mumkin -:Kamaruzzaman bustamman -ahmad ; dinamika islam politik di indonesia pada era reformasi (1998-2001) -:Islah gusmian ; Kaligrafi islam ; dari nalar seni hingga simbiolisme spiritual -:Baedhowi ; islamologi terapan dan problema aplikasinya (mengkaji pemikiran mohammed arkoun) -:syamsul anwar; dalalah al-khafi wa aliyat al-ijtihad: dirasah usuliyyah bi ihalah khassah ila qadiyah al-qalt al-rahim -:acham satori ismail ; su'ubat al-tarjamah min al-nahiyah al-dalaliyyah -:nur'ani; athar al-islam fi tatawwuri ma'ani al-alfazi fi al-lughah al-arabiyyah -:kamarudin amin; book review : the origins of islamic jurisprodunce meccan fiqh before the classical schools vo 43 no 1, 2005/1426: -: Machasin ; bediuzzaman said nursi and the sufi tradition -:lathiful khuluq ; modernization of education in the late ottoman emoire -:Nurdin laugu; muslim libraries in history -:Cipto sembodo ; the re-actualization of islamic law: munawir sjadzali and the politics of islamic legal interpretation under the new order indonesia -:Acham satori ismail ; al-su'ubat al-muhtamalah al-lati tuwajih al-indonesiyyin 'inda ta'allum al-arabiyyah -:ainurrofiq dawam ; al-tarbiyyah al-islamiyyah wa nahdat al-ummah -:Daelan M.danuri ; Kitabat al-hadith wa tadwinuh qabla an-takuna rasmiyyah -:Alim ruswantoro ; kritik terhadap eksitensialisme ateistik tentang penolakan eksitensio tuhan -:M,nur kholis setiawan; book review :syari'ah dan wacana perubahan mushaf al-qur'an ,tahrif al-qur'an vol 43 no 2, 2005/1426: -:Kamaruddin amin ; the realibity of the traditional science of hadith : A critical reconsideration -:moh kusen ; conteding identity in the islamic ritual :the slametan among surinamese javanese muslims in the netherlands -:Peter suwarno ; resolving religious conflicts through expanding inter-religious communication :issues and challeges -:Badrus shaleh ; pesantern ,peace building, and emperwoment: A study of community based peace building initiatives -:Sabilun A. nasir ; the epistemology of kalam of abu mansur al-maturidi -:Salih al-suhaybani; lughat al- khitab al-siyasi fi shi'r al-arabi :nazra 'ajli -:Ahmad Abd.sakur ; lamha al-sari'a an al-islam wa-tatawwurih bi-jazira lombok -:M.habib ; al-aghrad al-tarbawiyyah fi shi'r al-shawqi -:Anjar nugroho ; fikih kiri : revitalisasi usul al-fiqh untuk revolusi sosial -:mukhlis ; legalitas agama menurut ibn arabi -:Abdul wachid B.s ; lukisan peleburan cinta yang erotik ; puisi sufi di antara estetika cinta ilahiyah -: sujadi ; book review: islam ,antara negara agama dan negara sipil vol 46 no 1, 2008/1429 : -: Ali mabrook ; the ash'arite dogma: the root of the arab/muslim absolutism -:Muhammad wildan ; mapping radical islamism in solo : A study of the proliferation of radical islamism in central java -:Badrus soleh ; conflict,jihad and religious identity in maluku, eastern indonesia -:mujiburuhhman ; state policies on religious diversity in indonesia -:moch.nur ichwan ; governing hajj: politics of islamic pilgrimage services in indonesia prior to reformasi era -:raihanah abdullah ; inserting stipulation pertaining to polygamy in a marriage contrat in muslim countries -:layth suud jassim & eeman mohd. abbas ; jadaliyat al-alaqah bayn al-ulum al-shar'iyyah wa'l- ulum al-ijtima'iyyah :nazrah tarikhiyyah fikriyyah -:amar jasim muhammad al-ubayah ; dirasah istiqra'iyah naqdiyyah li-turuq hadith "allhumma barik lana fi shamina wa fi yamanina" vol 44,no 1,2006/1427: -: svetlana kirillina ; arab scholars in russian universities (the nineteenth -early twentieth century) -:Ahmad bunyam wahid ; questioning liberal islam in indonesia : response and critique to jaringan islam liberal -: Sujadi ; the policies of young muslim association in europe for its indonesia muslims in dutch society A re-examination -:Mustafa dasudy ; al-mustaqbal al-iqtisady li'l-alam al-islamy -:tulus mustofa ; al-mushtarak al-lafzy fi'l-qur'an al-karim -:Nazri syakur ; al-kull wa -mutadammanatuh fi ta'lim al-lugha -:M.abdul karim ; dawr al-islam fi istiqlal indonesia -:Maizer said nahdi dan aziz ghufron; etika lingkungan dalam perspektif yusuf al-qaradawy -:Yunahar ilyas ; reaktualisasi ajaran islam : studi atas pemikiran hukum munawir sjazali -:noorhaidi hasan; book review : islam politik,teori gerakan sosial,dan pencarian model pengkajian islam baru lintas -displin vol 46 no 2,2008/1429: -: Kamaruddin amin; muslim western scholarship of hadith and western scholar reaction :A study on fuat sezgin's approach to hadith scholarship -:mufti ali ; how did al-suyuti abridge ibn taymiyya's nasihat ahl al-iman fi radd 'ala mantiq al-yunnan -:Mohammad abdun nasir ; ibn taymiyya's fatwas on polygamy in medieval islam -:Steven drakeley ; drawning or waving ?citizenship ,multiculturalism, and islam in malaysia -:Kammaruzzaman bustamam -ahmad; the history of jama'ah tabligh in southeas asia : the role of islamic sufism in islamic revival -:Abdul munir mulkhan ; islamic education and da'wah liberalization : investigating kiai Achmad dachlan's ideas -:Sukamto sa'id ; inza al-qur'an 'ala sab'ah ahruf wa-mafhumuh min al-manzur al-ijtima'iy wa'l-lughawiy -:Syamsul anwar ; al-jawanib al-shar'iyyah wa'l-fiqhiyyah li-wad'i al-taqwin al-islamiy al-alamiy -:Taufiq ahmad dardiri ; al-sifa bayn al-shuyu'iyyah wal-islam fi riwayah 'adhara' jakarta li-najib al-kaylaniy: tahlil min al-nahiyah al-bunyawiyyah al-takwiniyyah vol 47, no 1, 2009/1430: -:Farish A. noor ; reorienting the west ? the transnational debate on the status of the west ? in he debates among islamist intellectuals and students from 1970s to the present -:Sophie lemiere ; genesis and development of a "non-partisan" political actor: the formation of the jama'ah islah malaysia (JIM) and its roots in western europe -:mohamed nawab mohamed osman ; Hizbut tahrir malaysia : the emergence of a new transnational islamist movement in malaysia -:Saskia louise shafer ; Racialising religion in the debate on religious freedom in malaysia -:Aris widodo; syeh muhammad naquib al-attas' reading of islam as din -:Nasr hamid abu-zayd ; nahw manhaj islamiy jadid li'l-ta'will -:Karim dhunnun dawd; al-ba;th wa'l-irsal fi'l-qur'an al-karim:dirasah dalaliyyah -:Sultan ahmad khalif ; idarat al-marasim :dirasah tahliliyyah bi-manzur islamiy Vol.25, No.1, 2007 -Liberalthought in Qur'anic Studies: tracing humanistic Approach to sacred text in islamic Scholaship: M. Nur Kholis Setiawan -Gender Issues in Application of islamic law in nigeria: Muhammad S. Umar -Muslim women's Politics in Advancing Their Gender Interests: A case-Study of nasyiatul aisyiyah in indonesia new order era: Siti Syamsiyatun -The roles of mosque libraries throuugh history: Nurdin laugu -Mafhum al-tamaddun 'ind al-Shaykh Ali Yusuf: Sulayman al-khitab -Mustaqbal al-waqf fi'l-Ummat al-Islamiyyah: Mustafa Dasuqy Kasbah VOL.48, NO.2, 2010/1431 -Persatuan Pemuda Muslim se-Eropa: Its Qualified Founders, Progression and Nature: Sujadi -Islamism, Government Regulation, and the Ahmadiyah Controversies in Indonesia: Ismatu Ropi -Islam, Adat, and the State: Matrifocality in Aceh Revisted: Eka Srimulyani -Islamism in Politics: Integration and Persecution in Egypt: Chirstina DeGregorio -Zakat and the Concept of Ownership in Islam: Yusuf Qaradawi’s Perspective on Islamic Economics: Euis Nurlaelawati -Western Studies of the Qur’anic Narrative: From the Historical Orientation Into the Literary Analysis: Munirul Ikhwan -Naqd Ibn Taymiyya li’I-Shi’a min Khilal Kitabih Minhaj al-Sunna al-Nabawiyya: Ali Mabrook -Al-Qisas fi ma duna’I-Nafs bayna’I-Abb wa-Ibnih fi Daw’Nazariyyat al-Ta’assuf fi Isti’mal al-Haq fi’I-Fiqh al-Islamy: Hamza ‘Abd al-Karim Hammad -Al-Wa’y al-Tarikhy fi’I-Tafsir al-Qur’aniy: Nazariyyat al-Wa’y al-Tarikhy ‘ind Gadamer fi Khilal Tafsir Jami’ al-Ahkam li’I-Qurtuby: Abdul jalil Vol. 49 No.1 2011 - Maqasid and the Challenges of Modernity: Wael B.Hallaq - The Influence of Global Muslim Feminism on Indonesian Muslim Feminist Discourse: Nina Nurmila - The Importance of This and That: Reflection on Context in Early Islamic Philosphy: Phil Enns - Leveling the Unleveled? Shari’a Advocates’ Struggle for Equality in Indonesian Legal Plurasim: Ratno Lukito - Islam in Provincial Indonesia: Middle Class, Lifestyle, and Democracy: Noorhaidi Hasan -Strongmen and Religious Leaders in Java: Their Dynamic Relationship in Search of Power: Yanwar Pribadi - Shari’it Fahm al-Mutun wa-Dawr al-Insan: al-Tafakkur al-Hirminiwtiki fi’I-Islam ‘ind Muhammad Mujtahid Shabistari: Roxanne D.Marcotte - Qasida Banat Su’ad Li-Ka’b ibn Zuhayr ibn Abi Salma: Tahlil al-Uslub al-Adabi: Muhammad Pribadi Vol. 49 No.2 2011; -Advancing larger democracy in indonesia through islamic print media:Akh. 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