Wednesday, 22 February 2023 13:26

Establishing Friendship and Getting to Know English More, SMP IT Cahaya Bangsa Visits Amcor UIN Walisongo



American Corner (Amcor) Walisongo State Islamic University (UIN) Semarang received a visit from SMP IT Cahaya Mutiara Bangsa, Tuesday (21/03/2023.

This event was attended by 48 grade 7 students of SMP IT Cahaya Mutiara Bangsa.

The Director of the American Corner, Umar Falahul Alam said that this event was a step to get to know English in depth.

"This event can be a place to get to know more about English," said Umar.

The event began with brainstorming, namely singing English song together. Then the participants were given material about English and conducted interactive dialogues.

The participants were divided into 7 groups for discussion and sharing. They are motivated to be more active in learning English, to get to know the space in Amcor,

and to exchange ideas regarding their anxiety in learning English.

Towards the end of the event, participants took a group photo at several photo spots that had been prepared by American Corner.

One of the teachers of SMP IT Cahaya Mutiara Bangsa, Eva hope that the students can return to visiting the American corner.

"Hopefully every year, we can be accepted and return to visit this American corner," she said.