Saturday, 7 December 2024 21:07

Adakan Seminar Anti Kekerasan Seksual, Amcor Semarang dan KUPI Corner Sukses Menarik Banyak Perhatian

SEMARANG - KUPI Corner serta LP2M Bersama American Corner Semarang dalam mengadakan diskusi ilmiah ‘stop sexual abuse, save mental health’ dalam rangka kampanye 16 hari anti kekerasan terhadap Perempuan. Acara ini diselenggarakan di Gedung American Corner UIN Walisongo, Senin (25/11).

Acara ini mendapatkan banyak perhatian dengan berhasil dihadiri oleh 130 peserta dari UIN Walisongo serta dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari beberapa unit kegiatan mahasiswa seperti An-Niswa, FOSIA, dan kelompok yang lain. Acara dibuka oleh MC dan dilajutkan pemberian sambutan oleh Titik Rahmawati, M. Ag. Sebagai kepala pusat studi gender dan anak di UIN Walisongo.

Acara dilanjutkan dengan pemberian materi pertama ‘stop sexual abuse, save mental health’ oleh Vriska putri Rakhmasari., M. Psi psikolog klinis balai Kesehatan Masyarakat wilayah semarang. Didampingi abdul malik, dosen Teknik lingkungan sebagai moderator. Beliau banyak menjelaskan mengenai kekerasan seksual dan dampak yang akan dialami oleh korban.

“Jika mendengar terdapat kekerasan seksual, yang salah bukan korban melainkan pelaku. Sering kali, hal yang dialami oleh korban kekerasan seksual adalah gejala depresi, gejala trauma, dan gejala kecemasan.” Katanya.

Beliau juga memberikan closing statement kalau tidak apa-apa jika merasa tidak baik-baik saja karena bisa mencari pertolongan bagi mental dan psikologi. Jangan merasa sendirian, kita mempunyai teman yang selalu berada bersama kita.

Sesi kedua dilanjutkan oleh Dr. Kurnia Muhajarah, M.S.I. yang memberikan materi mengenai praktik sunat Perempuan: pemotongan dan pelukaan genetalia Perempuan (P2GP). Beliau banyak menjelaskan  mengenai dampak yang akan ditimbulkan jika dilakukan sunat terhadap Perempuan secara psikoologis. Terakhir, beliau memberikan closing statement mengenai himbauan apabila terjadi pelecehan seksual.

“Apabila terjadi pelecehan seksual, mari teman-teman membantu agar tidak terjadi hal yang tidak diinginkan kedepannya kepada orang disekitar kita. Apabila terjadi hal tersebut pada Perempuan, segera hubungi komnas perlindungan Perempuan dan anak,” tambahnya.



Holding An Anti-Sexual Violence Seminar, Amcor Semarang and KUPI Corner Successfully Attracted A Lot of Attention.

SEMARANG- KUPI Corner and LP2M together with American Corner Semarang held a scientific discussion 'stop sexual abuse, save mental health' in the framework of the 16-day campaign against violence against women. The event was held at the American Corner Building of UIN Walisongo, Monday (25/11).

The event received a lot of attention by successfully attended by 130 participants from UIN Walisongo and attended by representatives from several student activity units such as An-Niswa, FOSIA, and other groups. The event was opened by the MC and continued with a speech by Titik Rahmawati, M. Ag. as the head of the center for gender and child studies at UIN Walisongo.

The event continued with the provision of the first material 'stop sexual abuse, save mental health' by Vriska Putri Rakhmasari, M. Psi clinical psychologist of the Public Health Center of Semarang region. Accompanied by Abdul Malik, lecturer of Environmental Engineering as moderator. She explained a lot about sexual violence and the impact that will be experienced by victims.

“If you hear there is sexual violence, the wrong person is not the victim but the perpetrator. Often, what is experienced by victims of sexual violence are symptoms of depression, symptoms of trauma, and symptoms of anxiety.” She said.

She also gave a closing statement that it is okay if you feel not okay because you can seek help for your mental and psychological health. Do not feel alone, we have friends who are always with us.

The second session was continued by Dr. Kurnia Muhajarah, M.S.I. who gave material on the practice of female circumcision: cutting and wounding of female genitalia (P2GP). She explained a lot about the impact that circumcision will have on women psychologically. Finally, she gave a closing statement about the appeal in the event of sexual harassment.

“In the event of sexual harassment, let friends help so that unwanted things do not happen in the future to people around us. If this happens to women, immediately contact the National Commission for the Protection of Women and Children,” she added.