Wednesday, 13 December 2023 14:33

Kick-Off Session: "AbleMarketers: Unlocking Digital Marketing Potential of Person with Disabilities"


American Corner UIN Walisongo Semarang held the hybrid event in terms of Disability. This event was split into 2 sessions, and each of them is brought a different theme. Before the event, The opening speech was led by Abraham Lee, the Director of MyAmerica, on Friday (8/12/2023).

The 1st session brought diversity, equality, and inclusion and was led by Rezki Achyana, CEO of Prakerja. He brought the presentation entitled "Introduction to Disability and Access to Work in the digital working environment.

He explained two main problems which are disability category, such as non-educated, inaccessibility, and hard to communicate, and another is the non-disability category which is awareness, accessibility, and hard to communicate.

This sign was quoted in Chapter 1 of the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 in the year 2016 about people with disability. In this chapter, it consisted 4 categories, such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

Some of the participants asked about the solution of how companies are more aware of people with disability and the second was how to develop inclusion terms in the education field.

Continuing with the second session that talked about signing together: Exploring Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (BISINDO) for everyday life that is guided by Fikri Muhandis. This session discussed how to understand deaf culture and how they engage with visual recognition. The speaker gave the solution to appreciate people with disability by learning, appreciating, and fighting for inclusivity together.

In addition, the speaker also revealed how to engage with deaf people, such as there is a special call for deaf people, making a circle seat when you want to get engaged with deaf people, and people with disability need visual recognition to easily communicate, need sufficient lighting but not glare and many more.

At the end of the session, the speaker said that learning about BISINDO is better than learning directly with a people with disability. The closing statement was about learning BISINDO together with facilitators of American Corner including the alphabet, introduction, and greeting led by Ms. Ira.

Ultimately, this event was held to celebrate the day of people with disability. By holding this event, it is hoped that they will be more aware of learning how to engage with disability needs and it is believed that people with disability are the same as normal people.