Monday, 27 May 2024 16:04

American Corner UIN Walisongo Successfully Held Gender Equality Talkshow Series-1


American Corner (Amcor) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang together with the US Embassy Jakarta held a talkshow series - 1 "Gender Equality and Women's Rights Gender in Men's Perspective in Islam" offline at the Amcor building, Wednesday (22/5/2024).

This talkshow would have 3 series with the theme of gender equality. The talkshow opened to the public and attended by students, lecturers, and American Corner volunteers.

The opening speech delivered by Titik Rahmawati Head of the Center for Gender and Child Studies at UIN Walisongo. Then continue to the material session guided by Eka Harisma as a moderator.

The first speaker was the co-founder of the "Aliansi Laki Laki Baru", Nur Hasyim who delivered material about gender equality from a male perspective. "Men must be involved in gender equality discussions aimed at preventing the emergence of toxic masculinity," Hasyim said.

The second speaker, a lecturer at the Indonesian Literature and Social Anthropology Study Program at Diponegoro University, Suyanto explained the aspects used to measure gender equality, namely access, control, benefits, and participation.

"there are three development paradigms with a gender perspective, namely Women in Development (WID), Gender and Development (GAD), and Gender Mainstreaming (GM)," Suyanto said.

In the next session, both speakers answered all questions given by participants. The participants were very enthusiastic in asking questions about religious ideologies that are still inherent in understanding gender, the concept of toxic feminism, and the close relationship between gender and power.

At the end of the event, the moderator said that the issue of gender equality was one of the important issues that received more attention from the US Embassy Jakarta.