Distributed leadership according to the evidence
Toward a 21st century health system :the contributions and promise of prepaid group practice
Squirrel Inc. :a fable of leadership through storytelling
The Strategic board :the step-by-step guide to high-impact governance
Extraordinary entrepreneurship :the professional's guide to starting an exceptional enterprise
Masalah-masalah teologi dan fiqh dalam tarjih muhammadiyah / Abdul Munir Mulkhan
Perjuangan wanita Ikhwanul muslimin / Zainab al-Ghazali;Penerjemah, Salim Basyarahil
Manajemen strategik : pendekatan terhadap pihak-pihak berkepentingan / R. Edward Freeman; penerjemahRochmulyati Hamzah
Tempat dan arah gerakan oikumenis / J.B. Banawiratma
Kerjasama sosial kemasyarakatan 1983-1984 : Cirebon - Samarinda / Indonesia. Departemen Agama