Dictionary Of English Idioms : Referensi Paling Lengkap Ungkapan Bahasa Inggris / Richard A. Spears;Alih Bahasa:Sri W.Soegondho
Dictionary Of English Idioms : Referensi Paling Lengkap Ungkapan Bahasa Inggris / Richard A. Spears;Alih Bahasa:Sri W.Soegondho
Leaders of the americas 2 : reading and vocabulary / William P. Pickett
Business English at network / Susan Jaderstrom, Joanne M. Miller
The norton anthology of english literature / Jon Stalworthy, general editor: M.H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt
Reading and all that jazz : tuning up your reading, thingking, and study skills / Peter Mater, Rita McCarthy