Sistem kesehatan
Pengantar Pendidikan Kesehatan dan ilmu perilaku kesehatan
Nutrition education linking research, theory, and practice third edition
Promosi kesehatan : sebuah pengantar proses belajar mengajar dalam pendidikan
Comprehensive school health education
Your health today :choices in a changing society
Macmillan McGraw-Hill health & wellness ell activity guide
Children moving : a reflective approach to teaching physical education / George Graham, Shirley Ann Holt/Hale, Melissa Parker
Health education : elementary and middle school applications / Susan K. Telljohann, Cynthia Wolford Symons, Beth Pateman
Panduan Pengembangan UKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah) Di Madrasah / Departemen AgamDirektorat Jendral Kelembagaan Agama Islam