American civil rights :primary sources / [compiled by] Philis Engelbert; edited by Betz Des Chenes
American civil rights :primary sources / [compiled by] Philis Engelbert; edited by Betz Des Chenes
World report 2003 :events of 2002 November 2001-November 2002
The Islamic Quest for Democracy, Pluralism, and Human Rights
hak-hak asasi manusia dan politik dunia
Encyclopedia of human rights issues since 1945
Freedom in the world: the annual survey of political rights and civil liberties 2003
Pelanggaran HAM oleh PKI
Islam and human right : tradition and politics
Hak azasi manusia dalam Islam
Ḥuqūq al-insān fī al-Islām wa al-garb : dirāsah al-muqāranah = حقوق الانسان في الاسلام و الغرب : دراسة المقارنة