Investigations of racial and religious discrimination among Indonesians in the United States during the Covid-19 pandemic
Interaksi etnis dalam masyarakat multikultural
Garam, kekerasan, dan aduan sapi : esai-esai tentang orang Madura dan kebudayaan Madura
Psikologi lintas kultural : pemikiran kritis dan terapan modern
A day late and a dollar short :high hopes and deferred dreams in Obama's "postracial" America
Challenging multiracial identity
Borderless borders :U.S. Latinos, Latin Americans, and the paradox of interdependence
Masaik Amerika : Sejarah etnis sebuah bangsa / Thomas Sowell
The History of anti-Semitism : From the Time of Christ to the Court Jews / Keon Poliakov;translated by Richard Howard
Mapping Human History : Gen, Ras dan Asal- Usul Manusia / Steve Olson;penerjemah: Agung Prihantoro