The fingerprint of God / Hugh Ross
Dinamika kerukunan hidup beragama menurut perspektif agama-agama : Bingkai teologi kerukunan hidup beragama / Mursyid Ali ( ed )
Religion, Deviance and Social Control / Rodney Stark dan William Sims Bainbridge
Hermetica : the ancient Greek and latin writings which contain religious or philosophic teaching ascribed to hermes trismegistus / Scott Walter
Muntakhab al-Ahkam 1-2 / Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Abdillah Ibnu Ibrahim
Memahami wajah para pembela tuhan / Eko Prasetyo dkk.
Teror atas nama Tuhan : Kebangktan global kekerasan agama / Mark Jurgenmeyer;Penerjemah,M.Sodat Ismail
Memahami fundamentalisme : gerakan Islam, Kristen,Yahudi / Richard T.Antoun
Fundamentalisms and society : reclaiming the sciences, the family, and education / ed. Martin E. Marty
Holy terrors : thinking about religion after September 11 / Bruce Lincoln