Persepsi sosial mengenai perilaku menyimpang / Saparinah Sadli
Sari ilmu djiwa / Amir Taat NST
Ilm al-nafsi al-ijtima`i / Fuad al Bahi al Sayyid
Psikologi kognitif / Robert L. Solso, Otto H. Maclin, M. Kimberly Maclin ; penerjemah : Mikael Rahardanto, Kristianto Batuadji
The social psychology of religion
Dimensi-dimensi psikologi sosial / penyunting, Mulyadi Guntur Waseso
On being human / Ashley Montagu
Sosial Development : Psychological Growth and the parent-Child relationship / Eleanor E. Maccoby
Introduction to multivariate techniques for social and behavioral sciences / Spencer Bennett
Social cognition inference, and attribution / Robert S. Wyer JR.