Prosiding seminar nasional terapan riset inovatif : opportunities and challenges of the indrustry 4.0 : how ready is vocational education?
Prosiding seminar nasional: repositionong full day school pendidikan formal, non formal dan informal
ARICIS: confrence proceeding islami, social and traditional justice
ISET 2019: Proceeding of the 5th international converence on science, education and tecnology
INCOLWIS 2019: Proceeding of the 2nd international converence on local wisdom
ACEIVE 2018: Proceeding of the 2nd annual converence of engineering and implementation on vocational education
Pendidikan karakter : catatan refleksi dalam membangun akhlaq dan norma
Psikologi pendidikan inovatif / Eti Nurhayati
Agenda pembaruan sistem pendidikan / Sudarwan Danim
Pendidikan nilai memasuki tahun 2000 / penyunting:EM.K.Kaswardi