Kedudukan perempuan dalam Islam / Hamka
Respon media massa terhadap isu gender : studi kasus lembaga penerbitan mahasiswa IAIN Walisongo Semarang ( laporan penelitian individual )
From southern wrongs to civil rights :the memoir of a white civil rights activist
Applications of feminist legal theory to women's lives :sex, violence, work, and reproduction
A Feminist philosophy of religion : the rationality and myths of religious belief / Pamela Sue Anderson
MenggugatTuhan yang maskulin" / Kaukah Siddique"
Nine parts of Desire the hidden world of Islamic Women / Geraldine Brooks
Keadilan dan Kesetaraan Jender : Perspektif Islam / Depag R. I
Ulama Perempuan Indonesia / Editor: Jajat Burhanudin
Ustaz al-mar'ah / Muhammad ibn Salim al-Baihani