The process of parenting
Raising an emotionally healthy child when a parent is sick
Special kids for special treatment?, or, How special do you need to be to find yourself in a special school?
From difficult to delightful in just 30 days :how to improve the behavior of your spirited child
Silver spoon kids: How successful parents raise responsible children / Eileen F Gallo, Jon J Gallo
Developing learning in early childhood / Tina Bruce
Pekerja Anak di Indonesia : Kondisi,determinan dan eksploitasi (Kajian Kuantitatif) / Hardius Usman,Nachrowi Djalal Nachrowi
Psikologi perkembangan anak dan remaja / Syamsu Yusuf LN
Woman, Child For Sale : The New Slave Trade In The 21st Century / Gilbert King
Einstein tak pernah menghafal : bagaimana sesungguhnya anak-anak belajar - dan mengapa mereka harus banyak bermain dan sedikit menghafal