Perihal Kaedah Hukum / Purwadi Purbacaraka
Education and citizenship in libeeral-democratic societies : teaching for cosmopolitan values and collective identities / editor Kevin McDonough
The study of religion in an age of global dialogue / Leonard Swidler, Paul Mojzes
Metodologi Pendidikan Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah / Ali Syawakh Ishaq Syu'aibi ;penerjemah:Asmuni Solihan Zamakhsyari
Pola-pola pendidikan dalam masyarakat kontemporer / I.N. Thut;Penterjemah:SPA Teamwork
Essential mathematics for political and social research / Jeff Gill
190 Ready-to-use activities that make english fun / George Watson
In the classroom : an introduction to education / Arthea J.S. Reed, Verna E. Bergemann, Mary W. Olson
Sistem pengajaran : prosedur pengembangan sistem instruksional (PPSI) dan pertimbangan metodologisnya / A. Samana
Modernisasi masalah model pembangunan / Beling