Tanwir al-maqalah fi hal alfad ar-Risalah
Relasi Kiai dan kekuasaan
Nalar kritis muslimah : refleksi atas keperempuanan, kemanusiaan, dan keislaman
Bodohnya NU apa NU dibodohi : menguji khittah, meneropong pergeseran paradigma politik / Bahrul ulum; pengantar, Ulil Abshar-Abdalla
Medival Islamic controversy between philoshopy and orthodoxy
Pengamalan ajaran Islam dalam masalah pembauran studi kasus WNI keturunan Cina
The public sphere in Muslim societies
Politics and excellence: the political philosophy of al-Farabi
Politics and excellence : the political philosophy of Al-Farabi
The Political aspects of Islamic philosophy : essays in honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi