Demokrasi,Oposisi dan masyarakat Madani : Isu-Isu besar politik Islam / Fahmi Huwaydi;Penerjemah, Mohammad Abdul Ghoffar
Winning the peace :the Marshall Plan and America's coming of age as a superpower
Mysteries of my father
Security, strategy, and the quest for bloodless war
The superpower myth :the use and misuse of American might
Pemujaan Terhadap Kelompok Etnis / Harold R. Isaac
The Clash Of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order / Samuel P. Huntington
Menciptakan Peradaban Baru : Politik Gelombang Ketiga / Heidi Toffler dan Alvin:Penerjemah:Ribut Wahyudi
Ethnic conflict and international politics: explaining diffusion and escalation / Steven E. Lobel ( ed )
A Voice for a Just peace / Ali Alatas