Ensiklopedi tokoh Orientalis
The Oxford encyclopedia of Islam and politics
The Oxford encyclopedia of Islam and women
The Oxford encyclopedia of philosophy, science, and technology in Islam
Ensiklopedi biografi Nabi Muhammad SAW dan tokoh-tokoh besar Islam: panutan dan teladan bagi umat sepanjang masa
Al-Mu`jam al falsafy bi al fadl al `Arabiyyah wa al Faransiyyah wa al-Injilisiyyah wa al-Latiniyyah
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition glossary and index of term to volume I-IX and to the supplement, fascicules 1-6
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition index of subjects to volumes I-IX and to the supplement, fascicules 1-6
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition index of proper names to volumes I-VIII and supplemen, fascicules 1-6
Ensiklopedi halal haram dalam islam : kajian lengkap membahas halal dan haram dalam masalah akidah, ibadah, mu'amalah, dan adab