Ensiklopedi biografi Nabi Muhammad SAW dan tokoh-tokoh besar Islam: panutan dan teladan bagi umat sepanjang masa
Al-Mu`jam al falsafy bi al fadl al `Arabiyyah wa al Faransiyyah wa al-Injilisiyyah wa al-Latiniyyah
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition glossary and index of term to volume I-IX and to the supplement, fascicules 1-6
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition index of subjects to volumes I-IX and to the supplement, fascicules 1-6
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition index of proper names to volumes I-VIII and supplemen, fascicules 1-6
Iqro' pustaka pengetahuan islam kontemporer jilid 1-6
Ensiklopedi pendidikan anak muslim / Hidayatullah Ahmad Asy-Syas; penerjemah: Sari Narulita, Umroh Jayadi
Ensiklopedi Islam al - kamil
Al-Ta`rīf bi al-musṭalaḥ al-syarīf
Dairat al-Ma`arif al-Islamiyah / Ahmad Asy Syantanawi