Found money :simple strategies to uncover the hidden profit and cash flow in your business
Ekonomika : keuangan internasional dan ekonomika keuangan luar negeri perekonomian Indonesia / Soedijono R
The new commonsense guide to your 401(k) :rebuilding your portfolio from the bottom up
Beating the global consolidation endgame :nine strategies for winning in niches
Chain of blame :how Wall Street caused the mortgage and credit crisis
Bank and financial institution management:conventional & sharia system / Veithzal Rivai
Rich in America :secrets to creating and preserving wealth
Rasail fi al-nuqud al-`Arabiyyah wa al-Islamiyyah wa `ilm al-namiyyat / Anastas al Karamali
The politics of revenue sharing / Paul R. Dommel
Analisis kesiapan akuntan publik mengaudit lembaga ekonomi syari'ah (laporan penelitian individual) / Ratno Agriyanto