The state in contemporary Islamic thought : a historical survey of the major muslim political thinkers of the modern era
The Many faces of political Islam : Religion and politics in the muslim world / Mohammed Ayoob
ICMI dan perjuangan menuju kelas menengah Indonesia / Robert W. Hefner
Who's afraid of the big bad dragon ? : why China has the best (and worst) education system in the world
Membumikan transparansi dan akuntabilitas kinerja sektor publik : tantangan berdemokrasi ke depan
Education policy : philosophical critique
Mewujudkan good governance melalui pelayanan publik
Merawat tenun kebangsaan : refleksi ihwal kepemimpinan, demokrasi, dan pendidikan
Pemimpin berkarakter pancasila
Islamis versus sekularis : pertarungan idiologi di Indonesia / Moh. Fauzi