ICOSS 2018: Proceedings of the 1st international conference of social science
Peligion and the public sphere : new conversations
Psikologi Sosial
Resiliensi istri terdakwa teroris dalam berperan ganda : Studi kasus tiga wanita di surakarta (Laporan Penelitian Individual)
Proceeding sosial and political challenges in indrustrial revolition 4.0
Proceeding of the regional conference on science, technologi and sosial science ( RCSTSS 2016)
ICONECT 2019: teaching learning reformatioan based on local indigonous norm in indrustrial revolution 4.0
Proceedinga 7th international scientific forum. ISF 2017
Proceedings seminar international: meneguhkan jatidiri budaya bangsa melalui bahasa, sastra, seni dan pendidikan pada era milineal
Proceeding 2nd international conference on community service programme universitas PGRI Semarang: implementation of the research result on innovation and sosial science to facing indrustrial 4.0