Papers of the fourth Indonesian - Dutch history conference : literature and history
Annual editions : world history vol. 2-1500 to present
A history of the modern world
Kebangkitan umat Islam abad ke - 15 H / Oemar Bakry
Jihad Vs McWorld : Fundamentalisme,Anarkisme Barat dan Benturan Peradaban / Benjamin R.Barber;Penerjemah: Yudi Santosa dkk.
Among the believers / V.S. Naipaul
Sejarah Modern Awal Asia Tenggara : Sebuah Pemetaan / Anthony Reid;Penerjemah:Sori Siregar,Hasif Amini dan Doris Setiawan
Muslim world : a historical survey ; part IV ; modern times
Modern Asia and Africa / William H. Mc Neill