Ilmu Politik Islam Jilid I -II/ Zainal Abidin Ahmad
Al-Siyāsah al-syar'iyyah fi islāḥ ar-rā'i wa al-rā'iyyah
The state in contemporary Islamic thought : a historical survey of the major muslim political thinkers of the modern era
Shariʻa politics : Islamic law and society in the modern world
The Many faces of political Islam : Religion and politics in the muslim world
The Many faces of political Islam : Religion and politics in the muslim world / Mohammed Ayoob
The history of Islamic political thought : from the prophet to the present
The History of Islamic Political Thought from the Prophet to the Present / Antony Black
Politik ketatanegaraan dalam Islam (siyasah Dusturiyah)
Menggugat keadilan politik hukum Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah / Ahwan Fanani