A day late and a dollar short :high hopes and deferred dreams in Obama's "postracial" America
What I learned in school :reflections on race, child development, and school reform
$700 billion bailout :the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act and what it means to you, your money, your mortgage, and your taxes
Points of view :readings in American government and politics 10th ed.
Points of view :Readings in American Geverment and Politics / edited by Robert E. DiClerico
The Obama education plan :an Education week guide.
Becoming good American schools :the struggle for civic virtue in education reform
Annual edition : american goverment 2004-2005
Abraham Lincoln / Frances Cavanas
Ichtisar hukum tatanegara Uni Amerika Serikat / M. V. Polak; terjemahan: Soedjono Hardjosoediro