Libya's Qaddafi: politics of contradiction / Mansour Al-Kikhia
Islam and Pancasila: Indonesian politics 1945-1995
Islam and islamic Law in Indonesia: A Socio-jistorical approach / Mohammad Atho Muzdhar
Kekacauan dan kerusuhan: Tga tulisan tentang Pan-Islamisme di Hindia-Belanda Timur akhir abad kesembilan belas dan awal abad kedua puluh / Editor Nico J.G.Kaptein;penerjemah Lilian D Tedjasudhana
Peta Islam Politik : Pasca-Soeharto / Zainal Abidin Amir
Pergulatan muslim komunis : otobiografi Hasan Raid / M. Imam Aziz
Kiprah politik muslimah : konsep dan implementasinya / Amatullah Shafiyyah
Politics in Indonesia : democracy, Islam and the ideology of tolerance / Douglas E Ramage
Islamic fundamentalism and the Gulf crisis / edited by, James Piscatori
In the path of God : Islam and political power / daniel Pipes; with a new preface by the author