Ilmu Kanuragan di pondok pesantren Rohmatul Ummah Assalafy Jekulo Kudus (laporan penelitian individual) / Mukhamad Rikza
Islam dalam kajian sains : sebuah bunga rampai / Abdullah Afif
Earth science
American Medical Association complete guide to prevention and wellness :what you need to know about preventing illness, staying healthy, and living longer.
Econopower :how a new generation of economists is transforming the world
Forum Majalah Pengembangan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
The Exploratorium science snackbook : cook up over 100 hands-on science exhibits from everyday materials
The new commonsense guide to your 401(k) :rebuilding your portfolio from the bottom up
Ulama & cendikiawan muslim Ibn Rusyd tujuh perdebatan utama dalam teologi Islam
Pokok-pokok ilmu dirayah hadits jil. I,II,III / Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy