Thou Art That : Transforming Religious Metaphor / Joseph Campbell
Where God Lives in the Human Brain / Carol Rausch dan James B.Ashbrook
Teologi Islam Terapan : Upaya antisipatif terhadap Hedonisme Kehidupan Modern / Editor:Af Idah Salmah
The Beginning and the end of 'religion' / Nicholas Lash
Divine discourse : philosophical reflections on the claim that God speaks / Nicholas Wolterstorff
The Anthropological character of theology : conditioning theological understanding / David A. Pailin
Hormat kepada Tuhan : dalam sistem pendidikan kebijaksanaan Israel Kuno / Meno Soebagjo
Siapa Yesus Kristus menurut Perjanjian Baru / Tom Jacobs SJ.
Pragmatic spirituality the christian faith through an africentric lens / Gayraud S Wilmore
The Crucifixion by Eye-Witness