God has many names
Novitas Mundi : perception of the history of being
Formations of the secular : christianity, Islam, modernity
Spiritualitas politik : kesucian politik dalam perspektif Kristiani
Firman tuhan peredam sakit dan stres
Teologi politik : mengonstruksi agama anti teror
Agama dalam politik Amerika : rediscovering the religious factor in American politics / David C. Leege, Lyman A. Kellstedt; penerjemah, Debbie A. Lubis
Thank God for evolution: how the marriage of science and religion will transform your life and our world
Dialog interreligius : historisitas, tesis, pergumulan, wajah
Tabsyir wa al-isti`mar fi al-bilad al-`Arabiyyah / Mustafa Khalidi, Umar Fazwakh