Attachment in intellectual and developmental disability : a clinician's guide to practice and research | Perpustakaan Pusat
Attachment in intellectual and developmental disability : a clinician's guide to practice and research
Includes bibliographical references and index.; "Attachment in Intellectual and Developmental Disability: A Clinician’s Guide to Practice and Research is the first book to explore the clinical difficulties associated with attachment relationships in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Draws together knowledge from disparate sources in a definitive new resource for clinicians working in this area A growing body of evidence-based approaches in this area are underpinned by attachment theory, including direct intervention and the use of attachment theory to understand interactions and relationships Presents and integrates cutting-edge models and approaches that have previously been available only to specialists Written by mainstream practitioners who are active in clinical work and research; focused on real-world applications, with illustrative case examples throughout"--; Provided by publisher.; "This new title in the Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology is the first to explore the role of attachment theory in understanding and helping children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)"--; Provided by publisher.; Machine generated contents note: Notes on Contributors Foreword (TBD) Acknowledgements 1. Introduction Dougal Julian Hare, Helen K. Fletcher and Andrea Flood 2. An overview of attachment theory: Bowlby and beyond Helen K. Fletcher and Deanna J. Gallichan 3. Attachment relationships between parents and their children: The impact of 'the loss of the healthy child' Helen K. Fletcher 4. Assessing attachment relationships in people with intellectual disabilities Samantha Walker, Victoria Penketh, Hazel Cooper and Dougal Julian Hare 5. Autism Spectrum Disorder and attachment: A clinician's perspective Ewan Perry and Andrea Flood 6. Maintaining the bond: Working with people who are described as showing challenging behaviour using a framework based on attachment theory Allan Skelly 7. Psychotherapy and attachment dynamics in people with intellectual disabilities: A personal view Pat Frankish 8. Adult attachment and care staff functioning Carlo Schuengel , Jennifer Clegg , J. Clasien de Schipper and Sabina Kef 9. Have a heart: Helping services to provide emotionally aware support Amanda Shackleton 10. Attachment trauma and pathological mourning in adults with intellectual disabilities Deanna J. Gallichan and Carol George 11. Attachment, personality disorder and offending: Clinical implications Lesley Steptoe, William R. Lindsay, Caroline Finlay and Sandra Miller 12. Getting Intimate: Using attachment theory to understand intimate relationships in our work with people with intellectual disabilities Nancy Sheppard and Myooran Canagaratnam Index.;
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