The practice of Islam in America : an introduction | Perpustakaan Pusat
The practice of Islam in America : an introduction
Introduction / Edward E. Curtis IV -- Salah: daily prayers in Muslim America / Rose Aslan -- Dhikr: remembering the divine / Rosemary R. Corbett -- Hajj: the pilgrimage / Hussein Rashid -- Ramadan, Eid al-fitr, and Eid al-adha: fasting and feasting / Jackleen Salem -- Ashura: commemorating Imam Husayn / Michael Muhammad Knight -- Milad/mawlid: celebrating the Prophet Muhammad's birthday / Marcia Hermansen -- Birth rituals: welcoming a child into the world / Maria F. Curtis -- Weddings: love and mercy in marriage ceremonies / Juliane Hammer -- Funerals and death rites: honoring the departed / Amir Hussain -- You can't be human alone: philanthropy and social giving in Muslim communities / Danielle Widmann Abraham -- Food practices: the ethics of eating / Magfirah Dahlan -- The Qur'an: studying, embodying, and living with the word of God / Muna Ali.
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