Manusia Bugis / Christian Pelras;penerjemah:Abdul Rahman Abu, Hasriadi
Manusia Bugis / Christian Pelras;penerjemah:Abdul Rahman Abu, Hasriadi
Resilience and the behavior of large-scale systems : Edited b y Lance H. Gunderson and Lowell Pritchard Jr.
Prealgebra : mathematics for avariable world / Daniel J. Bach, Patricia J. Leitner
Great basin riparian ecosystems : ecology, management, and restoration / Edited: Jeanne C. Chambers and Jerry R. Miller
Encounters with nature : essays / Paul Shepard; edeited by Florence R. Shepard
How humans evolved : Robert Boyd, John B. Silk
Psysical science / Bill W. Tillery
Why scools matter : across-national comparison of curriculum and learning / William H. Schmidt . . . []